Dear Friends,
What a year this has been! We have all faced struggles and changes in our daily lives. I know most of us have had to postpone or cancel important events. For Happy Tails the virus killed our plans to finish the shelter this year. There were delays due to stay at home orders for construction workers, and then there were sharp increases in the cost of building materials, sending us back to the drawing board. Our major fundraisers had to be canceled as well.
Although these were deep disappointments, we remind ourselves that these are only delays in our progress.
We have stayed strong, because our mission is so important. There are too many homeless and abused animals that are counting on us, and we will never stop working for them.
We are now back on track to finish the shelter in 2021. We have had to pinch pennies and
get creative to make up for the increase in cost and the loss of fundraising revenue.
We need your help now more than ever. We are so grateful for your generosity in the past,
and hope that if you are able, you will continue to partner with us to the finish!
Would you also consider helping as a volunteer? You could contribute by sharing contacts and ideas, helping at events and fundraisers, and doing some indoor and outdoor work at the shelter. We are always looking for people to help with grant writing and office skills. We would love to have you join us, and would appreciate any amount of time you can give.
Wishing you health and happiness,
The Happy Tails Volunteers and Board of Directors
Facing wildlife issues? This animal exterminator service can help.