Moose's Fund
Moose's Fund is a special reserve, public-supported, medical fund, earmarked to cover costs typically incurred in an emergency medical situation where there is an animal in immediate need, and the guardian is unable to purchase the required emergency services. The funds can be used to cover such costs as: emergency vet calls, x-rays, surgery, medications, rehabilitation expenses, and other necessary medical treatments that occur during the emergency situation.
Key points:
Applications for Moose's Fund money must be initiated by your veterinarian. If you feel your situation is eligible for help from Moose's Fund, ask your veterinarian to contact Happy Tails for approval. Please do not contact Happy Tails directly. (Local veterinarians participating in this program have Moose's Fund forms that must be completed prior to approval.)
Funds are awarded only in special cases where there is a medical emergency or other catastrophic veterinary expense, and an inability to pay can bedemonstrated. It is not meant to cover routine vet bills.(ie. vaccinations, medications, follow up visits, etc.)
Moose's Fund was created in memory of "Moose" a Chocolate Labrador Retriever that died at a young age from cancer. He was a family member of one of the board members.
Moose's Fund money is funded by the public and is held separately from Happy Tails animal shelter funds.